Angel 1089 by CC Bridges

Angel 1089

Cover of Angel 1089

A deal with the devil.

Gabriel 1089 is an angel - an enhanced and cybernetically modified human designed to protect the city in the sky called Heaven. He follows Heaven's orders and fights its enemies. But when an attack by demons leaves him trapped on the earth below, missing both a metal wing and his network-enabled halo, he's cut off from his home for good and at the mercy of one man.

Jeff Werth is used to demons in need of his mechanical expertise showing up on the doorstep of the junkyard he runs in Old Trent. However, he doesn't expect to be stuck with an injured angel. Jeff owes the demons for saving his daughter's life, so he does what they demand he nurses the angel back to health and keeps close track of him as a possible pawn in the high-stakes war between Heaven above and the demons below. But he doesn't expect the effect Gabe has on his heart, or having to choose between his daughter and the man he's come to love.

Rainbow Award Winner

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Review Excerpt:

"As far as the story and characters are concerned, both are strongly written and readers should know that this is not your usual angels and demon story, as both groups are made up of altered humans. The main characters, Jeff and Gabe, are drawn to each other. However, Jeff is reluctant to get involved with the angel and his reasons are very realistic. I was drawn the most to Gabe, who soon realizes that things are not always what they seem. Although the young angel is tossed into a situation he does not understand, he does hide from the new truths he is forced to accept. There are several interesting secondary characters that help move the story along and a few twists that help keep the story interesting. I am looking forward to more in this series and wonder just what the author has planned next." - Literary Nymphs Reviews (Received 4.5 out of 5 Nymphs)